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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 497
Pilate didn't want to order Jesus' crucifixion. Why? He didn't want to give the Jews, whom he despised, the satisfaction (Mark 15:10). But he had other reasons:
- Pilate's wife had a dream warning him to have nothing to do with that "innocent man" (Matt. 27:19)
- Pilate was afraid that Jesus might actually be the Son of God (John 19:7-8)
But Pilate was also pulled in another direction:
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 512
Two weeks ago we saw Jesus appearing before the High Priest (Mark 14:53-65), and the effort they made to convict Jesus by false testimony. Jesus is now bound and taken to Pontius Pilate, the Procurator representing Judea. The Jews would accept nothing less than Jesus death - not just a traditional stoning, but a public, humiliating death on a cross - which they had no authority to perform (John 18:31-32); they wanted Jesus formally cursed (Deut. 21:23).
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 517
About a month ago we read how Jesus had predicted the scattering of the disciples and, in particular, how Peter would deny Jesus three times. At the time, Peter could not conceive of any reason he would ever deny his Lord.
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 513
All the religious big-wigs gathered together in the chambers of the High Priest: the Chief Priests, Elders, and Teachers of the Law (Mark 14:53). All seeking to build a case against Jesus so they could put Him to death (Mark 14:55). It seemed that in all of Jesus' public speaking, to all the crowds, and over a three-year period, no two people could get their testimonies straight (Mark 14:56-59).
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 535
Mark 14:51-52 is a curious passage of scripture. The gospel writer is describing the arrest of Jesus. It begins the series of events which led to Jesus' unjust trial, conviction, execution by crucifixion, and ultimate resurrection. Yet these two verses, in the midst of all Jesus' followers deserting Him, describe a seemingly meaningless, if not almost comical, sidebar.