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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Politics
- Hits: 797
Barak Obama regularly calls Americans to sacrifice - warning that things are going to get worse before they can get better. Yet our economy is better than it was during the Carter administration, and Reagan's solution of tax cuts and deregulation brought us out of it without further suffering. By very definition, the plan of President Obama and his Democrat colleagues in the House and Senate will cause greater suffering rather than relieve it. Obama and the Democrats will increase the burden on Americans and drive us further into debt as a nation.
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Politics
- Hits: 786
Alaska Governor and Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin is under fire for asking questions no one else will ask: "why won't Barack Obama explain his many domestic terrorist and radical anti-American associations to the American people?"