- Details
- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 1739
Today's reflection marks the final and 100th post on the Gospel of Mark. Since October 2nd, 2008, I've posted a reflection each week.
Mark concludes his gospel with two simple statements, paraphrased here:
- Details
- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 1723
When Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples He had one last command for them:
"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation." (Mark 16:15)
But Matthew's Gospel provides a more complete rendition of the Great Commission:
- Details
- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 2290
Last week Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome discovered the open tomb and encountered a young man dressed in white who proclaimed, "He has risen!" (Mark 16:6). The young man also told them to tell His disciples and Peter, "He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you." (Mark 16:7)
- Details
- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 1594
Early Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went to the tomb where Joseph had entombed Jesus' body the Friday before. They brought spices used for anointing the dead (Mark 16:1-2). Their greatest concern seemed to be finding someone to roll the stone away so they could get to the body (Mark 16:3).
- Details
- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 1501
Mark 15:43 tells us that Joseph of Arimathea was a prominent member of the Sanhedrin. Luke 23:50-51 adds that Joseph was a good and upright man who had opposed the action of his fellow council members in their condemnation of Jesus. Both passages affirm that Joseph was "waiting for the kingdom of God." We can safely conclude that this fact was included in scripture because he saw Jesus' connection to God's kingdom.