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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Government
- Hits: 1623
Nearly ten years ago I posted a lighthearted article called The Perfect Voter. At that time, I was concerned that people were losing sight of the very basis of our freedom to vote: our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.
In the nearly ten years since, I find, this is no longer something I can write about lightheartedly.
The Perfect Voter in 2010 was a reminder to readers how easy it is to vote for the right person based on finding and applying your “center” — choosing candidates and issues you support and believe in, knowing that our founders supplied us with the essential basis for our center while respecting our freedom to choose within that construct.
But things have become much more serious in the past decade — more consequential than in previous decades. More and more, candidates are openly advocating revoking the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, and issues are on ballots that will impose more burdens on us.
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Government
- Hits: 1662
Tuesday is the so-called mid-term elections.
Many will work through the candidates’ positions and the issues on their ballots. They will listen carefully to the news, ads, and interviews. They will record the debates and play them back, pausing to jot down notes.
Then they will forget to vote.
Others won’t pay attention to anything, ask a drinking buddy what he thinks and drop the ballot in the mail without giving it another thought.
… in fact, some of them will hear about the polls being open on the radio on the way to work Tuesday, run to the polls and vote again!
And that’s how America will choose its future direction – and the way we’ve been doing it for over 200 years. Unless…
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Government
- Hits: 943
For as long as I can remember, liberal Democrats have been at war with the concept of a Constitutional Republic - you know, the one that the U.S. Constitution created.
But it wasn't always this way. In the months leading up to the Civil War, Democrats knew that by abolishing slavery, President Lincoln would open the door to other intrusions on state's rights. After the Civil War, the 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution had the unexpected consequence of trashing the 10th amendment.
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