Last week we touched on how Jesus struggled with God's will for Him. Today we read how He is betrayed and arrested - the beginning of the fulfillment of God's will as described in the Old Testament prophesies. Jesus' words reveal that His decision was final: "But the Scriptures must be fulfilled." (Mark 14:49). We'll venture into the details Mark recorded in a few weeks. Jesus' decision was one of ultimate sacrifice which restored the relationship between God and man after many centuries of separation.

We enjoy unprecedented freedom in America and in many other parts of the world today. The decisions we are free to make each day are more than people ever could have imagined 2,000 years ago - or even just 250 years ago.

We make some good decisions - and we make some poor decisions.

Some decisions we make exemplify true freedom while others actually imprison us - literally and figuratively.

Imagine the results of a series of poor decisions: you make the decision to go out with co-workers on a Friday night. You subsequently decide that a drink of your favorite alcoholic beverage would help you to cast off the stress of the past work week. Later in the evening you have a few more of these drinks - not even giving it another thought. Then you make a fatal decision: you decide you're okay to drive home.

Freedom or imprisonment?

If you didn't die, did you take another's life? If you arrived home safely, have you decided that there's no harm in doing the same thing next Friday?

What appears to be freedom may instead be slavery.

Imagine the results of a series of good decisions: you choose a constructive way to cast off the stress of each workday by inviting your co-workers to an afternoon walk. On Friday, you choose to go straight home to your family for an evening of games and relaxation.

Jesus chose to endure great suffering so that we could be reunited with our creator. In doing so, He bought eternal life for mankind, and eternal oneness with God. Jesus had the Scriptures of the Old Testament to guide Him in making the right choice. We not only have that, but we also have the Scriptures of the New Testament to teach us - to fulfill Scripture in our simple, daily obedience which will lead to eternal freedom.

We speak of it in terms of exercise, in terms of education and developing profitable skills. And we speak of it in terms of spiritual things. Jesus teaches us that obedience to Scripture will indeed be difficult, but the eternal reward far outweighs the brief time of endurance.

Fulfill the Scriptures in your life.