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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 467
We can all imagine how we might feel when our friends "call shotgun" - outwitted, taken advantage of, even indignant. You may resent those, who by means you see as unfair, obtain a place 'above' you - in social standing, in wealth, in authority. But such thinking reflects only our own ambition, our own desire for recognition, and our own thirst for power over others.
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 494
When I was a kid, before I had a driver's license, I would compete with my friends to be first to call shotgun - to get to sit in front - with whoever was giving us a ride that day. No one wanted to sit in the back seat - that's where the 'kids' sat. Maybe you did the same kinds of things when you were young.
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 473
The time was approaching for Jesus to experience the suffering necessary to redeem humanity from sin. Only One could fulfill this purpose - One without sin; One sent by God from eternity past to eternity future. Jesus knew what was to come and He prepared those who would be His first messengers by warning them of a future they could not yet possibly comprehend.
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- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 448
A quick review of the past two weeks:
- Is This Love? (Pt. 1) - Mark 10:17-22 - Jesus teaches a very different love than most people practice today
- Is This Love? (Pt. 2) - Mark 10:23-27 - We can't earn our way into heaven - it is free to those who love Jesus
Now we find Peter asking for assurance that he and his fellow disciples "qualified". "We have left everything to follow you!", he pleads. (Mark 10:28).
- Details
- Written by: Ernie Brogdon
- Category: Christianity
- Hits: 448
Last week we contrasted the common view of love with the way Jesus loved the wealthy man. In Mark 10:23-27 our preconceptions that we must earn eternal life are also challenged. Jesus uses this man as an object lesson in how hard it is to get into heaven. Even His disciples were amazed at this; "Who then can be saved?" (Mark 10:26).