Throughout history, rulers have attempted to crush the Christian faith. Some tried to crush Judaism - believing they were attacking the root. Others have used an iron fist to put to death any Christians exposed. In the U.S., our treasured free speech is used to influence thought to make a mockery of Christians and belief in God.

They don't know how God's Word prevails. It simply does. Both in the individual Christian and in world history:

  • The Word is spread - as seeds scattered on the ground
  • As we all go about our lives, God's Word sprouts and grows in one's heart and in a community
  • Soon, it bears fruit, and others become believers, as they spread more and more around the world through history
  • And one day, harvest will come, and God will call all that are His to eternal life in His Kingdom

With a hope as great as that: eternal life in God's Kingdom - who on earth could ever control you? Life becomes a mision - a passionate mission to bring others into that Kingdom. And death becomes a door to a reward.


If an oppressive ruler, or an intimidating group of bitter people in a free world - can't control you through earthly reward or punishment by death, they can't control you at all.

We are scattered seeds, scattering ever more throughout the earth - in every community of every nation - making the powerful powerless, making the mocker mocked, and mysteriously increasing God's Kingdom from generation to generation, nation to nation, and one soul at a time.