Like many, my attention is often diverted from one thing to another several times a day. But Jesus did not ever seem to deviate from His plan. This passage seems to give us a clue as to how He did it.

Jesus prayed.

After a long night of healing the sick and driving out demons, Jesus is up - before it's light - to pray. And when His disciples find Him, the first words out of His mouth are, "Let's go preach to nearby villages. That's what I'm here for."

What are you here for? It's hard to know, because so many things demand our time. Are you here to work for your employer, please your spouse, golf in every course in Europe?

After a few months of daily prayer, maybe you'll come to a different conclusion. Maybe you do need to work at a job, or raise up a family, and maybe you do want to golf in exotic places; but they're all just things that surround your real purpose, which is to preach. You don't necessarily have to give up one thing to do another. You do, however, need to get your priorities straight. It's every Christian's purpose to preach the Gospel. Some do it from the pulpit, but the vast majority do it through the example they set at work, by the way they bring up their children, and yes, even at the golf course.

St. Francis of Assisi (supposedly) said, "Preach the gospel. And if necessary, use words." Our lives reflect our relationship with God. And Christian maturity is reflected in our focused purpose above and beyond all our activities.


Jesus rose early, while still dark, to pray alone. His disciples found Him, told Him that everyone is looking for Him. Jesus takes them to villages and preaches, says "that is why I have come."


  1. Jesus prays early in the morning, alone
  2. Disciples find Him
  3. Jesus preaches to nearby villages; the reason He came

Subject Sentence:

Jesus found praying, takes disciples to villages where He preaches


To cause the audience to precede all their work with prayer.